THE FUTURE OF GEN Z | Full Documentary | EB Media

THE FUTURE OF GEN Z | Full Documentary | EB Media

THE FUTURE OF GEN Z is a documentary film that explores Generation Z as a cohort, highlighting their uniqueness among other generations, and dispelling negative misconceptions brought on by generation gaps and intergenerational disconnects. Likewise, the film also covers digital natives and the effects of technology and social media, as well as the future of the generation as they make the transition into professional life.

Three Shepherd Students Take Trip to D.C. with National Millennial & Gen Z Community

Three Shepherd Students Take Trip to D.C. with National Millennial & Gen Z Community

From February 19th to the 22nd of this year, the National Millennial and Gen Z Community visited Washington, D.C., represented by members from 21 states across the US. During this 4-day excursion, participants got the opportunity to visit and meet with major companies and government organizations and dine at some of the finest cuisines in the nation’s capital.